
Upcoming Events

Recy & DepoTech 2024

13 - 15 November 2024Leoben, Austria

Recy & DepoTech has developed into the largest waste management and recycling conference in Austria, with more than 600 conference participants. The current conference...

Berliner Klärschlammkonferenz

11 - 12 NovemberBerlin, Germany

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der Verordnung zur Neuordnung der Klärschlammverwertung vom 3. Oktober 2017 werden weitreichende Veränderungen in der Aufbereitung und Behandlung von...

VDZ Congress 2024

6 - 8 November 2024Düsseldorf, Germany

The 9th International VDZ Congress will take place in Düsseldorf on 6 – 8 November 2024. The VDZ Congress is the international scientific forum for the cement industry and its...

German Phosphorus Plattform Forum

23 October 2024Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Unter dem Thema „Phosphor-Recycling – Wo stehen wir?“ findet das nächste DPP – FORUM 2024 am 23. Oktober 2024 in Frankfurt am Main statt. Der diesjährige Veranstaltungsort ist...

15. VDI-Fachkonferenz Klärschlammbehandlung

11 - 12 September 2024Wolfsburg, Germany

Die VDI-Fachkonferenz „Klärschlammbehandlung“ wird fachlich von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Grömping, Fachhochschule Aachen und Dr. Daniel Frank, Projektleiter Wassermanagement,...

Past Events

Abwasserkolloquium 2024

17 July 2024Stuttgart, Germany

Am 17. Juli 2024 fand das Abwasserkolloquium des Instituts für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft der Universität Stuttgart statt. Das Thema des Kolloquiums...

IWA LET 2024

24 - 28 June 2024Essen, Germany

The IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies is designed to be the place for sharing the latest insights into how pioneering science, technological...

Energie- & Klimafestival

15 June 2024Karlsruhe, Germany

Ob die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen durch aktive Mobilitätsformen, die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz oder mit smarten Lösungen zum Energie sparen: Der Fokus liegt beim...


10 - 14 June 2024Frankfurt am Main, Germany

ACHEMA is home to the full scope of technology and services for the process industry. Become part of the next innovation and technology summit and get in contact with solution...

Science Day

8 June 2024Stuttgart, Germany

Once a year, the University of Stuttgart opens its laboratory doors. Exhibits, lectures, experiments to touch and participate in: This is how research and teaching come alive....

IFAT Munich 2024

13 - 17 May 2024Munich, Germany

From International Trade Fair for Sewage Technology to Global Network for Environmental Technologies. IFAT has come a long way since the first event in 1966. If you want to...

IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference 2024

28 April - 2 May 2024Denver, Colorado

The Industry Applications Society (IAS) serves as a valuable professional connection for those with engineering interests in the needs of the industrial or commercial sector....

INFUB 2024

2 - 5 April 2024Algarve, Portugal

The 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers is the latest in a series of very successful Conferences, which have been held in Portugal since 1988. These...


6 March 2024Montanuniversität Loeben

The TECONOMY Leoben will take place again this year at the University of Leoben and is therefore the perfect opportunity for companies to recruit both aspiring and newly...

16th CRU Phosphates Conference

26 - 28 February 2024Warsaw, Poland

CRU’s Phosphates Conference regularly attracts more than 400 delegates from around the globe. The conference offers the ideal forum for senior decision-makers from commercial...

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D2.1 Multiphase flow model

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D3.2 Melting and reduction experiments

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D2.2 Flash Reactor and Refiner simulation

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D3.3 Drop tube experiments

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D3.1 Drying-Grinding experiments

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D4.1 Conceptual engineering

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