Our Partnership






Year of foundation


INERCO was founded in 1984 by a qualified group of professors of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI) of the University of Seville and was officially recognised as the university’s first spin-off in 2013. INERCO aims to develop and apply leading edge technological advances that contribute to a sustainable industrial development highly committed to the environment and safety. With more than 600 skilled specialists, INERCO has an in-depth knowledge of the industry to offer comprehensive services, customised to meet clients’ needs in the fields of engineering of industrial projects, development of technologies for reducing emissions, energy efficiency, renewable energy, industrial water treatment and control of noise and vibration and consultancy in the fields of environment, occupational health, security and industrial safety.

INERCO’s activities are mainly directed to large chemical and energetic industry players: chemical plants, oil & gas sector, electricity generation, cement, glass and paper industries, metallurgical production, renewable energy, etc. INERCO performs under the principle “Quality, accuracy and solvency”, always committed to providing the most advanced technical and methodological resources, as well as a professional capacity carefully selected, experienced and in continuous training, which guarantee the most advanced services. R&D&I is one of INERCO’s relevant activities. As a result, several products and services derived from INERCO’s research projects have been brought to market.

Role in the Project

INERCO plays a relevant role in the planning and engineering of the pilot plant, both in the basic and detailed engineering stages. INERCO designs the prototype plant to be built where the selected technology will be integrated and validated and assists in the commissioning and the start-up of the plant. INERCO also develops basic engineering of a scaleup from the pilot size to an industrial plant using relevant information from all experiences.

Besides, INERCO will apply the concept of Life-Cycle thinking to demonstrate the environmental benefits of the new FlashPhos process compared with conventional phosphorus and cement production technologies. On the other hand, to avoid any risks which might be associated with the FlashPhos process, INERCO prepares different Safety Assessments (HAZID, HAZOP, SIL, etc) focused on the pilot and on a scale-up plant in a selected cement plant.


Patricio Navarro

Business Development Director

+34 629 060 245