Our Partnership

MITechnology of Austria (MITechnology)



Year of foundation
MITechnology is a SME situated in Western Austria, county of Vorarlberg, dealing with developments of concepts as well as IP-application of recycling concepts of industrial and municipal residues. MITechnologys developments are awarded with several innovation prices such as the Austrian governmental innovation award “econovius 2007”, the Scientific award 2018 of TUV Austria, and more. More than 600 valid IPs/patents are filed worldwide, also for third companies like LafargeHolcim, RioTinto, SGL-Carbon, ICL Group, ABB, HITACHI, RadMat, PatCo etc. These IPs are based on Alfred Edlinger as inventor. Elaborated know how and IPs are sold or licensed by MITechnology. The basic aim of MITechnology is to identify environmental issues, to develop technical solutions and finally to find costumers for solving these issues.