An event for everybody
Meetings, workshops, shows, and conferences to tell science in a new, engaging way, crossing over traditional subject boundaries.
Eleven days during which the classical barriers between mathematic, natural, and human science fall down to take an intedisciplinary approach, explore and investigate science with no limits.
A new paradigm
Every year the Genoa Science Festival takes inspiration from the latest and most burning issues of the day, offering a multifaceted scientific debates, absolute previews, shows and exhibitions crossing over and exploring the connections between Art & Science, paying special attention to the latest research findings, as well as to what’s new in emerging countries.
A global event
Intimately tied to the city of Genoa and to the region of Liguria, the Science Festival also features a high international level. Panel discussions and face-to-face meetings with Italian and foreign top experts make every year a unique event fully dedicated to science, establishing longlasting partnerships and networking with prominent personalities and institutions from all over the world.
In the 2021 version of the Science Festival our partner Italmatch Chemicals presented the EU project FlashPhos.
Picture and Info Credit: Festival – Festival della Scienza (