VI International Symposium 2022

4 November 2022

Stuttgart, Germany

VI International Symposium

Each year the MSc. WASTE , a department of the University of Stuttgart , organizes the International Symposium wherein experts from industry and academia, and young minds come together to share knowledge and discuss challenges to sustainable development and environmental security. In 2022, the EU project FlashPhos was presented at the VI International Symposium.

Emerging Technologies and Transition to Circular Economy

The VI International Symposium intended to explore innovative advances that can address and shepherd the transition to inclusive circular economy solutions, unlocking the potential to curb emissions for a sustainable future. Emerging technologies and their convergence towards a circular economy paradigm have a transformational effect across global value chains. Therefore, the Symposium 2022 aimed to provide a platform where international cross-disciplinary professionals come together to share their deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities on environmental topics. Professionals from different sectors gave an overview of global trends, industries at the forefront of this transition, and how green innovation can be leveraged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


Current Trends in Emission Control

“Emerging technologies and processes to achieve drawdown in pollutant concentration in the atmosphere.”

Circular Economy and Waste Management

“Addressing the waste (solid and water) challenges through inclusive green initiatives that drive toward a circular economy.”

Sustainable Development Goals and COP 26

“Achieving environmental security in times of multiple global crises – climate change, conflict, pandemic, inequalities, and others.”