FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting in Spoleto

May 25, 2023

From May 10-11, 2023, the FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting took place, gathering all project partners in Spoleto, Italy. The host of the meeting was project partner Italmatch Chemicals, one of the most experienced companies worldwide in P4 handling and manufacturing and marketing of P4 derivatives. 

The FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting brought together 39 people from five European countries, representing all 17 consortium partners. During the two-day meeting, the FlashPhos partners discussed recent project developments and milestones achieved. The partners also had the opportunity to visit Italmatch Chemicals’ Spoleto facilities, which have been manufacturing numerous P4-based products since the late 1920s. Italmatch Chemicals’ facilities demonstrate a long-standing commitment to the Italian chemical industry, and the project partners were thrilled to learn from the team’s vast expertise.


Italmatch Chemicals provided a welcoming and informative experience, allowing the project partners to work diligently during their stay and, amidst their productive sessions, to explore the charm of the beautiful city of Spoleto.


Overall, the FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting proved to be a resounding success, providing the project partners with valuable learning experiences and the opportunity to solidify their partnership. We are grateful to Italmatch Chemicals for hosting this important meeting and to all project partners for their active participation in advancing the FlashPhos project.


For further information contact

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rapf

Project Coordinator