FlashPhos awarded Global Slag Innovator of the Year

Jul 7, 2023

We are excited to announce that FlashPhos has been presented with the award for “Global Slag Technical Innovation” at the 15th Global Slag Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany.

What is the Global Slag Award?

The Global Slag Award is an annual prize presented to projects, initiatives, or individuals in the scope of the Global Slag Conference and Exhibition. It recognizes innovative approaches, as well as advancements in technology relating to slag management and sustainability.

This year’s Global Slag Conference, during which the prize was awarded, took place in Düsseldorf, Germany, in June. The event was attended by 160 delegates from 36 countries, including among others slag and cement producers and users, equipment vendors and academia. The conference addressed topics like trends in the slag and slag cement market, slag cement production and use as well as new slag and slag product applications and provided a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and networking.

What is the contribution of FlashPhos?

FlashPhos brings together researchers, scientists, and industry experts to work on transforming slag into a valuable resource by extracting phosphorus and other essential elements from it. By leveraging advanced technologies and processes, FlashPhos will recover at a large scale high-quality white phosphorus and other raw materials using sewage sludge as input material. With this approach, FlashPhos not only addresses environmental challenges but also creates economic opportunities for industries and contributes to a more sustainable future by promoting circular economy principles.

The award granted to FlashPhos highlights the crucial role that innovation plays in mitigating environmental concerns, reducing waste generation, and fostering resource efficiency in the management of sewage sludge.


We thank the Global Slag Conference and Exhibition and the award committee for this special recognition!