FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting

Jun 2, 2022

On June 1 and June 2, 2022, the FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting took place in Seville, gathering all project partners in the capital of Andalusia. Host of the meeting was project partner INERCO.

After the Steering Committee Meeting in Leoben, Austria, in November 2021, this was the second on-site meeting of the project and opportunity for project partners to review the project’s progress face-to-face. Besides a detailed review of the work carried out in the project’s ten work packages and planning of future work, partners had the chance to visit INERCO’s facilities during the second meeting day.

We much enjoyed the personal exchange during the General Assembly Meeting and are happy to report an excellent progress of the project since its start just over a year ago, in May 2021.

Thank you very much, INERCO, for hosting this productive meeting and for welcoming us to beautiful Seville!

For further information contact

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rapf

Project Coordinator