
Dryer-Grinder pre-experiments

What have we tried out to initially prove the dryer-grinder concept? Reminder from our last post: In the past, thin film dryers have been optimized for minimizing dust...

NewsFlash Released

The second issue of the FlashPhos NewsFlash is published. Let us share our project updates and news on phosphorus recovery and circular economy with you. We wish you a...

FlashPhos at ESPC4 and PERM5

From June 20th – 22nd, 2022, the FlashPhos project is present at the 4th European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference 2022 (ESPC4) and the 5th European Phosphorus Research...

FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting

On June 1 and June 2, 2022, the FlashPhos General Assembly Meeting took place in Seville, gathering all project partners in the capital of Andalusia. Host of the meeting was...

How does the FlashPhos concept work?

FlashPhos will demonstrate at a large scale a thermochemical process to sustainably produce high-quality white phosphorus (P4) and other valuable raw materials using sewage...

NewsFlash Released

The first issue of the FlashPhos NewsFlash is published! Let us introduce FlashPhos to you and share with you our project updates and news on phosphorus recovery and circular...

Critical Raw Materials in the EU

The main output of the FlashPhos process, white phosphorus (P4), is a critical raw material (CRM). The European Commission has published a list of CRMs that is being regularly...

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