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Past Events

VI International Symposium 2022

4 November 2022Stuttgart, Germany

VI International Symposium Each year the MSc. WASTE , a department of the University of Stuttgart , organizes the International Symposium wherein experts from industry and...

VI International Symposium 2022

13. VDI-Fachkonferenz Klärschlammbehandlung

14 - 15 Sepember 2022Koblenz, Germany

VDI-Fachkonferenz Klärschlammbehandlung On September 14-15, 2022, the 13th VDI Technical Conference "Klärschlammbehandlung" ("Sewage Sludge Treatment") took place in Koblenz,...

VDI-Fachkonferenz Klärschlammbehandlung


20 - 22 June 2022Vienna, Austria

The European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC) and the Phosphorus in Europe Research Meeting (PERM) are unique events, bringing together companies, stakeholders,...


IFAT Munich 2022

20 May - 3 June 2022Munich, Germany

"Efficient solutions. For the use of water, recycling and secondary raw materials." The world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies provides the answers. Being...

Pollutec 2021

12 - 15 October 2021Lyon, France

For 45 years, Pollutec has been a showcase of innovative solutions and good practices for the environmental sphere. During 4 days, professionals will showcase their innovative...


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D2.1 Multiphase flow model

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D3.2 Melting and reduction experiments

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D2.2 Flash Reactor and Refiner simulation

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D3.3 Drop tube experiments

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D3.1 Drying-Grinding experiments

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D4.1 Conceptual engineering

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